Industrial Technology Research Institute, Agency Chairman:Hiroyuki Yoshikawa ( "AIST") Division of Intelligent Systems Research - Hirai Shigeru Research Group chairman: Kazita Syuuzi, Humanoid Research Group.
Looks close to human with the form, and gait and behavior is very close to humans, humanoid robots that can interact with humans using speech recognition has been developed. HRP-4C, height 158cm, weight 43kg (including battery), the joint position and dimensions refer to the average value of Japanese young women, who achieved near-human appearance. Walking behavior and body work is working to help the human body works and gait measurement in MOSHONKYAPUCHA, HRP by applying the control technology of two-legged robot has been developed to be, very close to human behavior achieved. Also, based on voice recognition and response operation,現SHITA interaction with real people. HRP-4C, AIST Collaboration project in 2006 was conducted in three-year plan for "industrial revolution AIST Research Initiative (" Initiative AIST ")" for "the development of user-oriented open architecture robot (the "UCROA" a) "as part of development as the main purpose of the application to the entertainment industry are expected to use the system and YO fashion. 2009 March 23, which opened on September 8, "Japan from Tokyo Fashion Week" is scheduled to appear in one of the fashion show. Height: 158cm, weight 43kg (including battery), joint position and dimensions, "the Japanese body 1997-98 Dimensions database" to refer to the average value of young women, has achieved a near-human appearance. In addition, HRP-4C is, HRP-2 has been used by Honda Motor Co., conducted a patent for technology development and inheritance.
1 comment:
Amazed by the improvement of facial muscle control (flexor and constrictor) units..Likewise ı am also amazed to observe that full research and development has been devoted to facial muscle controls but not to the walking behaviour.Everybody thinks that full humonoid walking behaviour is veryvery hard to control since walking is entirely a confusing sytem of many muscles fleging and extracting at the same time in an evenly manner on three axis.. HOWEVER... this is not true.... A ROBOT CAN WALK LİKE A HUMAN OR RUN or TURN ,HEEL UP or DOWN like a human with no problem and very very easily with one central weight shifting control gyroscope on the upper abdomen level. The lower abdomen level can consist of only fexor and extractor units(non electrical including the foot and heel movement control units... İF YOU THİNK THAT İS NOT POSSİBLE.... Rest assured it is possible. Because ı have a patented design to control the striding movements... Actually it is so simple. You dont have to be an engineer but a very good observer and copy what nature has laid infront of our eyes with the perfect example. So the patent owner is onlt the nature. Like Velcroe bant. Mr. Velcroe didnt invent it... He just happenede to be the first one to search the reason why those tiny things gets stuck to woolen clothes and animals furs... For those investors who are willing to spend both company time and money as financer of my design are welcomed for joınt marketing my design to AIST for further developing the striding ,leg and foot movements of UCROA..After all a female model should walk elegantly,,Like a female should...
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